
Saturday, May 21, 2016

The beginning of rachel

My name is rachel. I was born and raised in Ireland till I was 9 years old. I  was adopted and I came to the USA now I live in Marion, Va. My child hood was not good when I was living in Ireland I was in a orphan and they didn't treat me well most of the time I didn't even have food to eat. When I got out of there and came to the USA I was 9 years old. When I got here I started to school, making some friends. At that point my adopted mom and dad were really great with me but then the abuse started. If I looked a certain way I would get a fist in the face. I would tell my teachers about it they didn't be lived it cause they knew my parents were high up in the community and they could get people on there side and make me a lier so no one would belive me.  

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